We're here to have fun, host a high-quality event, and raise money for our local trail system.
Bike shops are seasonal. They are hair-on-fire busy in the summer and slow in the winter. North Country Cycle created Fat & Flurrious in 2017 as a means to fill the winter downtime in a productive and fun way. The goal was to give the Michigan cycling community something to look forward to after the holidays while also raising funds for the local trails.
The event name, a spin on the movie series "Fast & Furious," was crowd-sourced from a Facebook post. The prize was a free water bottle or something similar. Two locals, Steve and Uli, coined the name and never received their water bottle. Maybe they're both due 3 bottles by now with inflation.
Since then, the event has grown into one of Michigan's premier fat bike races, attracting some of the fastest racers in the Midwest. The goal, however, has remained the same. Fun comes first and race proceeds are donated back into the local trail systems. Each year we are humbly reminded how awesome our local cycling community is and how blessed we are by the trails. Thank you for making this event great.
Bike people are our people.